Identity Theft

This paper is about identity theft which is growing day by day. Almost everyone knows that someone has been a victim. But, there’s still an attitude that somehow it always happens to the opposite guy. But, what if you’re the opposite guy? All across India, the fastest-growing White Collar Crime within the nation has been identified as Identity Theft- and it’s affecting all folks in insidious ways. We have all heard of the matter, but only a few have recognized how dangerous identity theft is. Identity Theft as a term refers to Fraud that involves stealing money or getting other benefits by pretending to be somebody else. The term is comparatively new and is really a misnomer, since it’s not inherently possible to steal an identity, only to use it. The person whose identity is employed can suffer various consequences once they are held liable for the perpetrator’s actions.


If we don’t act now to safeguard our privacy, we could all become victims of identity theft -Bill Nelson

Identity theft is that the crime of obtaining the private or financial information of another person for the sole purpose of assuming that person’s name or identity to make transactions or purchases. Fraud is committed in many various ways[1]. Some identity thieves sift through trash bins trying to find checking account and MasterCard statements; other more high-tech methods involve accessing corporate databases to steal lists of customer information. Once they need the knowledge they’re trying to find, identity thieves can ruin an individual’s credit rating and therefore the standing of other personal information. A major growing problem world over thanks to IT revolution is fraud which has been mentioned because the crime of the new millennium. Fraud is that the stealing and use of someone’s personal information primarily for financial or monetary gain.

Types of identity theft

  • Criminal identity theft
  • Identity cloning and concealment
  • Synthetic identity theft
  • Medical identity theft
  • Financial identity theft

Criminal identity theft

Criminal fraud occurs when someone cited or arrested for a criminal offense presents himself as another person, by using that person’s name and identifying information. The result’s a record within the name of the victim, who might not learn of the crime until it’s too late. In committing criminal fraud, the perpetrator may provide photo identification—either real or counterfeit—or simply information, like a reputation and a driver’s license or Social Security number.

The fraud Resource Centre (ITRC) says that in many situations, the identity thief commits criminal fraud by using someone else’s information when cited for a traffic or misdemeanour violation.[2] If the impostor ignores a requirement to point out up in court, authorities may issue a bench warrant. Since it’s within the name of the fraud victim, authorities may later arrest the victim for failure to seem in court. The ITRC features a helpful fact sheet for handling criminal fraud.

If you learn that you’re a victim of criminal fraud, you would like to contact both the arresting enforcement agency and your local enforcement agency. You’ll got to have your local agency take your fingerprints and share them with the arresting agency to assist prove that you simply are who you say you’re and not who the arresting agency thinks you are. Criminal fraud could also be far away from the foremost common sort of fraud, but it’s one among the more serious ones. If you think that you’ll be a victim, act quickly.

Identity cloning and concealment

With identity cloning, the identity thief is typically attempting to impersonate somebody else in order that they can simply hide their true identity. These could also be people that are hiding from creditors, illegal immigrants, or people that just want to become “anonymous” for other reasons. Minor sorts of this are people that use the photos of somebody else on social networks to pose as somebody else. Unlike financial fraud which is typically exposed when the debts compile, identity cloning for concealment may continue forever without being detected. This is often very true if the identity thief can get false credentials to pass authentication tests.

Synthetic identity theft

Synthetic fraud may be a sort of fraud where identities are completely or partially fabricated. This usually means the thief combines a true Social Security number with a reputation and birthdate that don’t match those listed with the amount. Synthetic fraud is usually harder to acknowledge because it always doesn’t show abreast of the victim’s credit report directly. Often, the credit report becomes a totally new file with the agency or possibly as a sub-file on only one of the victim’s credit reports. The first victims of synthetic fraud are the creditors who grant the lines of credit. Individual victims are usually affected if their name gets confused with an artificial identity, or if negative information during a credit report sub-file damages their credit score.

Medical identity theft

Medical fraud involves the fraudulent use of a person’s insurance information to receive reimbursement for health care services provided to a private not covered by the policy. Both patients and providers may commit fraudulent medical claims, counting on circumstances. Other times, the knowledge is stolen by employees or external hackers to take advantage of selling personal identifying information (PII). Medical fraud occurs when someone uses another individual’s personally identifiable information to fraudulently obtain medical service, prescribed drugs or medical coverage. These sorts of fraud are often  costly and sophisticated crimes to resolve. While most sorts of fraud leave victims with financial damage, medical fraud also can end in the identity thief’s medical record being added to the victim’s medical records. Inaccurate medical records are difficult to correct and should keep the victim from getting the acceptable coverage or medical aid they have.

Financial identity theft

Financial fraud is criminal activity that involves accessing someone’s personal information for fraudulent gain. One common example of monetary identity fraud is someone stealing your master card information to form purchases without your knowledge. However, master card fraud is simply the tip of the iceberg. With enough of your personal information, criminals could successfully apply for brand spanking new credit cards and loans in your name, drain your bank account, and even get employment in your name to receive a bogus tax refund — leaving you on the hook for his or her bills until you’ll prove that it wasn’t you.

Statistical Data

The data shows that in every minute around 19 people became victim of identity theft. It is also reported that 4 out of 10 is victim of identity theft. “Credit and Debit cards can be applied for in the name of another individual. Fraudulent bank loans could be taken out in the name of the victim. Even a multiple range of debts can be incurred in victim’s name,” says Ian Craig, Managing Director, of CPP India.[3]

According to a report shared by CPP India, most fraud victims don’t realise the fraud until long after the incident and dismiss possible indicators. Common warning signs include unexpected verification call from a bank or a service provider, warning or notice from a bank, unexplained entries in your Credit Report, unfamiliar purchases in your card statement and debit of small amounts in bank statements – especially the “amount after decimal i.e. paise”. Hence make sure you scan your master card statements, keep you.

Identity Theft can occur as casually as on such Social Networking sites like Orkut and Face book which inspires one to reveal one’s Personal Information so as to possess a so called Celebrity Status, but anyone who hates your guts can tarnish your personal information and may ruin your public image. Fraud also can be wont to facilitate crimes like Illegal Immigration, Terrorism and Espionage, further it also can be used as a tool for Blackmail. There have also been cases on Identity Cloning so on attack the Payment Systems, Online master card Processing, Online Banking (well known as Axis Bank Website Replica Case).

Some Common Proficiencies for obtaining such Information

  • Advertising the Job Offers.
  • Hacking the mail ID’s.
  • Redemption of Information from Computer servers that aredisposed of carelessly.
  • Collection of data from govt. websites.
  • Taking Data from search engines like Google, UC Browser, etc.
  • Redemption of Information from Social Networking Websites such as Orkut, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter etc.
  • Stealing information in Computer Databases through hacking the other person’s accounts.
  • It can also be happened through pickpocketing and collecting the id cards, credit cards etc.

 Today the amount of persons engaging in transactions through the utilization of Internet in India is increasing at an alarming rate. Consistent with NCRB (National Crime Records Bureau) the share of Cyber Crimes accounted around 65% but the particular number convince be elusive considering the very fact that the majority of such cases go unreported.


Government must take serious measures so as to manage such offences in India and will take an initiative so on differentiate it from Cyber Crimes and don’t confuse the term fraud with Cyber Crimes only as this fraud is more or less directly an outright daylight Robbery because the identity is being stolen and sold to crooks for a few sprinkle of dollars, pounds or euros that has nothing to do with cybercrimes and subsequently the outsourcing firms are facing devastating consequences as Indian professionals have built for themselves an enviable global reputation through diligence , dedication and commitment and therefore the occasional misguided acts of such individuals shouldn’t be allowed to hamper the high reputation of all professionals. These criminals are greedy – they’re not high tech thieves and most of them aren’t conscious of techniques like hacking the cyber systems. They just make the particular access to computer files and steal them ahead of each one.

Though Government is taking certain measures to make sure the rights of the individuals to be protected and has made certain proposals for Amendment of the IT Act, 2000. And has also recommended the inclusion of two new sections into the IPC-147A (punish cheating by using any unique identification feature of the other person with up to 3 years imprisonment and a fine) and Section 419A (punish cheating by impersonating employing a network or computer resource with up to 5 years imprisonment and a fine) , but the Organizations and the Individuals aren’t considerably looking forward for the Amendment of the IT Act , 2000 , they’re more concerned about strict enforcement of this Act.[4]

Indian Laws governing electronic commerce and data security aren’t very complex and what’s needed is that the actual and strict enforcement of those laws.





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